O365 Webinar: Q&A on O365 Governance Capabilities

Answering questions about risk and reward regarding Microsoft Office 365

It’s Q & A time! As a follow-up to the recent Microsoft Office 365 webinar we hosted with PwC, we’re answering some of the audience questions we got during the live event. Didn’t catch the live webcast? No problem. We know how hectic workdays get, so we have posted a recording of the webinar here.

Although we got numerous great questions from the audience, some of them overlapped in terms of topic. So what we did was pick the three biggest ones to focus on. From there, our Associate General Counsel and webinar presenter, Linda Sharp, went into detail to follow up on the inquiries. For the sake of convenience (and reduced eye strain!) we’ve broken the responses into individual posts for each question.

We’ve linked to the individual answers below. Happy reading!

(1) Is there any way the cloud can mitigate the risk of not knowing what you have? How do you maintain defensibility when moving data to the cloud?

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(2) Are there any potential risks to using the native litigation hold and/or place hold features in Office 365?

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(3) Are the built-in eDiscovery features of O365 robust enough for a large enterprise? Why or why not?

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As we’ve mentioned before in our blog posts, every single enterprise IT environment is unique. Features or products that may meet the needs for one environment may be wildly insufficient for another organization of similar size. So there aren’t a lot of simple “yes or no” answers that apply to everyone. And that’s okay; it just means that you’ll have to do some thinking on your end, and maybe even understand your business’s IT infrastructure better in the process.

We hope that you find these answers both detailed and useful for your role in the enterprise!

Founded in 1999, ZL Tech has proven itself as the specialized provider of electronic content archiving software for the most demanding large enterprise environments. The award-winning ZL UA addresses analytics, eDiscovery, compliance, records management and storage optimization. Built upon the industry’s most scalable platform, ZL Tech offers today’s leading organizations the ability to comprehensively manage the entirety of their digital assets. To accomplish this challenge, ZL Tech engineered a number of complex technologies into one seamless solution in order to manage billions of documents from a consolidated point of control.