In the News

GDPR’s First Birthday

Jun 04, 2019

“A key implied issue that ultimately influences GDPR compliance checkpoints is the balance between intrusion into a company’s business practices and its ability for profitmaking. Industry leaders such as Kon Leong, CEO of ZL Technologies, note that ‘built into the challenge is the paradox that achieving complete data privacy required by GDPR entails an unprecedented level of intrusion. In order to truly protect personal data, you [must] know exactly where and whose it is. This necessarily requires intrusion, which many don’t understand.’ Leong’s point is apt because the global economy depends on the flow of information. What is the balance? As conveyed by Richard Hogg, Global GDPR Evangelist, IBM, ‘Identity is a key challenge and duty around GDPR privacy compliance.'”

Please visit InfoGovWorld (page 22) to read the full article.